Bilbao 2016

In this section you can see all the information related to the organization and holding of the VI Annual Meeting of the CECBL, which was held in Bilbao on September 23-24, 2016.

Crónica VI Encuentro anual Bilbao 2016

El jueves día 22, empezaron a llegar los primeros asistentes, y a registrarse en el Hotel Abando, hotel muy bien situado en el centro de la ciudad, este año sin mayores problemas logísticos, gracias a la correcta ubicación del garaje, ascensores, etc.

La cena se sirvió en el propio hotel, como viene siendo habitual en los Encuentros, y este año con nuevos participantes, como la decana de las coleccionistas españolas, Mª Carmen Uribarri y su marido, Txema, para alegría y regocijo de los que la conocemos desde nuestros principios de coleccionistas.

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6th Annual Meeting: Auction Rules

The present rules will govern the auction of special miniatures to be held during the CECBL Meeting that takes place the date indicated in the program, as described here below.

These rules specify the maximum number of lots that each participant can bring to the auction, the time and place of delivery of the lots and the procedure to be followed for the bids during the auction.

Also the fees that the Club will perceive by each seller.

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Programme of 6th CECBL Annual Meeting – Bilbao 2016

Please find described here below the program of activities to develop during the sixth annual meeting of the CECBL to be held on 23 and 24 September in Bilbao (Spain).

The program is definitive, so the potential attendees can now schedule their trips.

It’s advisable that registrations are made as soon as possible, because it will allow to avoid potential problems of lack of rooms. The entry bookings, will be taken by order of entry, and this order will be respected.

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VI Annual Meeting Bilbao 2016: date and location

The VI Annual Meeting of the CECBL will be held in Bilbao, as agreed during the general meeting held in Valencia in September 2014.

As well as the third and fourth meetings, held in Valencia in 2014, and Barcelona in 2015, the meeting will take two full days, on Friday 23th and Saturday 24th of next September.

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