Córdoba 2022

In this section you can see all the information related to the organisation and holding of the 12th Annual Meeting of the CECBL, which was held in the city of Córdoba on 30 September and 1 October 2022.

12th Annual Meeting: Auction Rules

The present rules will govern the auction of special miniatures to be held during the CECBL Meeting that takes place the date indicated in the program, as described here below.

These rules specify the maximum number of lots that each participant can bring to the auction, the time and place of delivery of the lots and the procedure to be followed for the bids during the auction.

Also the fees that the Club will perceive by each seller.

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Program of the 12th CECBL Annual Meeting – Cordoba 2022

The program of activities to be developed during the 12th Annual Meeting of the CECBL that will be held on September 30 and October 1 in Cordoba (Spain) is described below.

This program is definitive, so potential attendees can already program their trips.

It is strongly recommended that the inscriptions are populated and sent as soon as posible, because it will allow us to avoid possible problems of lack of rooms. The order of entry of reservations will be scrupulously respected.

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12th CECBL Annual Meeting: date and location

The 12th Annual Meeting of the CECBL will be held in Cordoba, as agreed during the general meeting held the past year.

As well as the past meetings held in previous years, it will last two full days, on Friday, September 30 and Saturday, October 1 of this year 2022.

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