14th Annual Meeting: Rules for the auction of special items

The present rules will govern the auction of special miniatures to be held during the CECBL Show that takes place the date indicated in the program, as described here below.

These rules specify the maximum number of lots that each participant can bring to the auction, the time and place of delivery of the lots and the procedure to be followed for the bids during the auction.

Also the fees that the Club will perceive by each seller.


  1. Each member may bring to auction up to 3 lots that must be considered by each participant as “special”. Each set may consist of a miniature bottle, a ceramic miniature, a set of miniatures, or a small number of minis in a lot, irrespective of its nature, type and size.
  2. The 27th, Friday, those members who wish to put up a lot to the auction, should present the lot or lots in the place of the auction, that will take place in the Zibá restaurant. There, they will be delivered to the members of the Board of Directors in charge of the auction, and will be presented in the table in such a way that all lots are pre-viewed by all participants before the auction takes place.
  3. In addition, they must submit a form detailing the name or details of the lots to be auctioned, also indicating the starting amount. The member of the Board of Directors in charge of reception shall number the lots on the document itself. The same number shall identify each lot on the table where they are exhibited.
  4. The Auction Master, will start the auction with the Lot Nº 1, which will be awarded, after accounting up to three, the Auction Master will maintain a pause between bids, in order to give an opportunity to those undecided. In case that the Auction Master be interested in bidding for a lot, will previously give notice of its intention, before the bid starts.
  5. As soon as each auction is awarded, the Auction Master assistant, will bring the lot to its winner.
  6. During the auction, the Treasurer will monitor the lots auctioned, scoring the winning amount and the name of the bidder, and once the auction is complete, he will proceed to collect the price of each winning bid. To do this, the winning bidders will go to the Club Treasurer on Saturday the 28th, in the morning, during the exchange session, to cash in the amount of the lot(s) won.
  7. On Saturday 28, after collecting the money from the auction winners, the club’s Treasurer, will settle to the lot’s owners the amount of the winning bids less the commission due to the Club, which will be calculated as follows:

    A fix amount of 1 € for each lot delivered for auction, whether or not it is sold. If the lot is sold, a 10% calculated on the winning bid, will be added to the fix commission of 1€.

  8. During each bidding process, and before the Auction Master award a lot, the owner thereof, will have the opportunity to prevent the item or lot on bid to be awarded for a lower price that the one the owner expects to be earned as a minimum, by bidding himself for a price he consider appropriate. From that moment, if doest not appear another bidder with a higher amount, the lot will be awarded to its owner, that as a seller, will pay a minimum of a flat fee of € 2 per lot, but in this case the percentage of the winning price, will not be applicable.

    If another bidder puts a higher bid on the lot that exceeds the one made by the owner, the bidding process will continue as per the above, and the rest of the rules will apply accordingly.

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